There are usually two ways in work life. You’re either told what to do, or you have to tell it to yourself. When you’re told what to do, it’s easier to “work out” your life around it. Believe me when I say it’s easier because it is! No matter whether you’re working from home after Covid or are a freelancer, working from home tips productivity are always welcome. Now, if you’re ready to get into a freelancer life, and you’ve been asking yourself how to quit your job and work from home, you can always think about blogging, freelancing, etc.
It doesn’t matter if you’re a remote worker or a self-employed, I’m here to give you 8 tips to work from you if you hate the rules! It’s also a great read if you want tips on time management, increase your personal productivity and effectiveness. When you have all the freedom and opportunities that you were chasing by trying to build an independent business for yourself, people usually don’t say anything about what’s the first big challenge we all face on this path. The productivity tips from working from home I’ve personally experienced will hopefully help you just as much.
If you’re a digital nomad, blogger, or freelancer, you will need to take care also of your health insurance! For that, you should also check out SafetyWing!
You have to actually design your life!

That’s literally what it is. You’ve got the freedom. You don’t have to be at the office at 9 am and you don’t have to stay there until 5 pm or more. You have the freedom to do what you want. But this is also a big trap! Are you thinking again about how to quit your job and work from home?
Many digital nomads, freelancers, and bloggers maintain the 9-5 routine to keep a sort of normality up in their lives. I personally had to learn the hard way that this is a must-do, otherwise, I just couldn’t keep up a normal lifestyle. It is really helpful to journal and make to-do lists.
How I started working more productively
As soon as I’ve got to work for myself, I started staying up late and waking up later than before. Much later. I started to work too much, getting my routines upside down, and I got burned out quickly. Working from home tips productivity can really save you at the end of the day when everything is getting… too much. The issue when you work for yourself and you burn out is, that you will stop working. And if you stop working, you won’t earn money…
It’s also very important that you should keep up some kind of social life, especially if you’re living by yourself. Then, there is the gym, the shopping, and well, any kind of interaction that’s taking you outside those 4 walls. You should definitely think about those productivity tips for working from home when starting a career all by yourself. So how can you maintain a healthy lifestyle while you work from home?
1. The alarm – Sorry to break it, but you’ll never get rid of it

If you’re working as a freelancer, digital nomad, or blogger, or anything else that’s done from home, the first rule you must learn is to use your alarm! Working for yourself doesn’t mean you don’t have to wake up early anymore! Unfortunately… That’s one of the greatest tips for moms working from home, too.
As I was saying, in the beginning, I stopped using my alarm. I thought it’s a great habit to start the day whenever I want and start working whenever I want. Well, it wasn’t a good idea at all! For time management, to increase your personal productivity and effectiveness, you must set up an alarm! You also need to find the will to get up, and that’s why this work from home motivation tips article is so important today.
The later I woke up the less desire I had to start working. I was also really mad every day when I woke up after 10 am because it felt like I wasted the morning on nothing. While I was mad, I couldn’t start working in time again. So the first rule I learned was to start using the alarm. It took some time to convince myself to not shut it down and go back to sleep. However, having the freedom to work for yourself means that you have to have more self-control and discipline than ever before!
2. Plan a morning routine that works for you

To work effectively, you must get to know yourself well. First, you must discover when you’re the most productive in general. Then, you must discover in which specific task are you more productive at what time of the day. When you work at an office or any other place, you are told what you must do in the morning, and basically, most of your schedule has a flow. Tips for working remotely from home are very different from tips to stay focused and happy in a larger workplace.
When you work for yourself, you must work out a schedule for every day, based on self-analyzing your productivity and tasks. So, the second piece of the best remote work from home tips is to get to know yourself and your productivity. Plan a morning routine that works for you, and respect it to work from home effectively. That’s one of the best remote work from home tips I can give you to drive you to success.
My tips to stay focused working from home start with my morning routine. Usually, a quick yoga workout right after I wake up at 8 am. Then, I drink a big glass of water, make my coffee and breakfast, and I take my vitamins. One of my best tips to stay focused while working from home is that while I finish my coffee, I go through what I have to do during the day. Plus, I check my emails and any personal stuff I have. At this time, I wake up and get enough energy to start working. It is definitely important for your time management, to increase your personal productivity and effectiveness.
3. Have a work-time outfit – Best work from home outfit

The 3rd of my best tips to work from home effectively is to try to maintain a work outfit. I don’t mean by this that you should do your make-up, put a dress or a white shirt on, or anything like that! But it’s really a big part of the whole working from home tips productivity increase. By this, I mean that you should have a morning routine, such as you’d be going to work.
Wash your face, teeth, shower, whatever you’re usually doing in the morning before work, and change from pajamas to something that’s cozy and comfortable enough to work from home, but it’s still not your pajamas! You can’t really follow good ol’ productivity tips for working from home in your pajamas because it just makes you want to chill out and relax. Also, if you’re working from home and also doing your workout at home, for that too, have a separate workout outfit!
Here below you can find some ideas for the best work from home outfit!
Best work from home outfit for Women
Best work from home outfit for Men
Picking the best work from home outfit is great for time management, to help you increase your personal productivity and effectiveness.
4. Set up a proper home office

Another tip for time management is to dramatically increase your personal productivity and effectiveness comfort. Remote work from home tips are always welcome when you work on your own. To stay efficient and productive when you work from home, you must set up for yourself a home office, or an office corner in a room that you use for work. Just as you’ve been sitting on a chair in an office that gave you back pain, you should pay attention to a comfortable, healthy, and peaceful environment at home as well.
I felt that tips for moms working from home should include something about comfort. It’s already a tricky task to make yourself focus without distracting yourself. So one of the first tips to stay focused working from home must include feeling comfortable in your body and workspace.
To set up your home office, you don’t need to actually get a whole room set up as your workspace. Not everyone has the possibility for that, obviously. But comfort and feeling good before even starting work is one of the best tips for working remotely from home. A proper office desk, a comfortable chair where you can sit correctly is important! It’s also essential to have some decoration and organizers to make it nice and to increase your productivity. You can read more in my home office decoration post about this, but I’ll also link below some items for you!
5. Make a schedule for your breaks

If you don’t plan your whole day, just as I was suggesting to plan your morning and your task routine, it can seriously affect your efficiency! When you’re working from home, it’s essential to stay organized, otherwise, you’ll find yourself wasting a lot of time. Therefore, the 5th of my productivity tips for working from home to work from home is, to make a schedule for your breaks. You should stand up and do some stretching every hour, but I know, this is something we tend to forget.
However, to plan a quick break in the morning hours, a lunch break, and an afternoon break is essential. Not just for your mind to rest, but for your body and your health too is super important! When you are your own boss, and you’re working on your own business, you might find yourself forgetting to eat, to work out, to stretch, because you are passionate about what you do. Working from home tips for productivity include self-care. Doing too much at once can cause serious health issues! I damaged my spine more in the past 7 months since I’m working from home, than in the past 5 years when I was working in an office.
Why? My business is mine, and everything I do is for myself, so I tend to forget the time, and work all day, (this happened for months in a row) then I skipped my workouts or my lunch, and I ended up with a lot of health issues. Now, I’m paying attention to these details, because once my business is running really well, I really don’t want to spend all my money on doctors. I guess you don’t want that either! These are very important for time management, and increase your personal productivity and effectiveness.
So, again, an important tip to work from home is to plan your breaks and stick to them!
6. Go out every day!

The best tips for moms working from home – and anyone, in general, includes seeing the world. Working from home can easily make us antisocial. We can easily get so used to it, that at some point, we don’t even want to get out of the house anymore. I already said that among the best tips for working remotely from home, you have to practice self-care intensely, and digital detox is especially needed. Worse than that, we sometimes forget for days to go out, especially if we already did grocery shopping for the week…
This is not healthy! Not for your mind, not for your body, and not for your soul. Tips to stay focused working from home is actually letting your brain breathe. You must try and go out every day, even for a walk, see a friend, run, do around with your bike, whatever. It might be seamlessly okay in the short term if you lock yourself in the house, but it’s definitely not healthy for the long term, and it’s decreasing your productivity as well! So as one of the best work from home motivation tips – get out! See your friends! Visit museums! Just don’t stay inside all day, every day, on your own.
7. No personal chats, video calls, social media during working hours!

Putting down the phone and PC notifications is one of the best working from home tips productivity I could give you. It’s not because the boss is going to come and ask you what are you doing? It’s because you’ll end up losing and wasting so much time during precious working hours when you would otherwise be productive! When you’re working remotely, or working as a freelancer, blogger, whatever you’re doing, that wasted time on private stuff (or TV in the background) can cost you real money.
And you can get into the loop very easily and get lost between those episodes, messenger chats, or Instagram posts. Believe me. Been there. Done that! So tips to stay focused working from home naturally includes getting rid of any distraction.
This is really crucial for time management, increase your personal productivity and effectiveness. When it’s working time, concentrate on that. You can answer your messages later. You can watch an episode of your series or scroll through Instagram a few hours later too! Another issue with this is, that if you waste your time on personal stuff during your working hours, you’ll have to make up for it in the evening or night. Remote work from home tips include making as best use of your time as possible.
Consider that this time, after you’ve been already working from home all day (or texting) you’ll already be less productive, more tired, and possibly angry too because you had to cancel your night out with friends to work. Remember, that since the work you do is for yourself, if you waste time during personal hours, you’re just screwing over yourself, and nobody else! So, if you want to really succeed, do follow these tips for working remotely from home!
8. Keep your home green

The last of my working from home tips productivity is definitely to keep your home green! I know, there are many of you who are not comfortable with even just a cactus. Still, keeping your home green actually stimulates your brain to stay productive. Not to mention that plants are cleaning the air in your home office.
However, if you’re simply not comfortable with living plants, you can always find artificial ones in the shop. Productivity tips for working from home should always include plants and flowers, in my opinion. And these days, they are sometimes even more beautiful than the real ones!
Summing up The 8 Best Tips to Work From Home Productively
Remote work from home tips are so important that I could not overlook sharing mine. So, here’s what I have learned the past year working from home. If you’re still asking yourself how to quit your job and work from home, think about what you can do. The possibilities you have, your talent, your knowledge, your experience. It isn’t the easiest thing to do, but if you’re doing it right, it will be worth it! That’s why tips for moms working from home should be followed – so we can all be successful together! If you’re a new entrepreneur, you should definitely consider the above tips as well!
It’s really important when you work from home to pay attention to yourself, your health, your environment. But as important as these things are, it’s really important also, that you stay organized, and you make yourself stick to your plans, schedules, and routines! Above all, follow crucial tips to stay focused working from home, like putting your phone down when you start working productively.
With the best work from home outfit and other 7 tips, I hope this post helped you with time management, increase your personal productivity and effectiveness. If you’re looking to work from home or become a digital nomad, here are 8 freelancer jobs that can earn you a great income. I hope these work from home motivation tips have helped you – I’d love to know your own productivity hacks! You can also check out my post on how to start a blog if that’s the field you’d like to get yourself into!
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